"Cichlid Research: State of the Art": Current Status

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Updated: June 20, 2001

Here is the list of authors and the papers they have contributed to this volume.

Author(s)  Email Topic
Alonzo, Jaime; McKaye, Ken; van den Berghe, Eric  Jamie Alonzo <Alonzo.Jamie@noaa.gov>; Ken McKaye <mckaye@al.umces.edu>; Eric van den Berghe <tomeric@ibw.ni> "Parental defense of young by the convict cichlid, Archocentrus nigrofasciatus, in Lake Xiloa, Nicaragua"
Artigas Azas, Juan Miguel Juan Artigas Azas <juan@cichlidae.com> "Conservation Status of cichlids in Mexico"
Barlow, George George Barlow <barlowgw@socrates.berkeley.edu> "Parsing Mouth Brooding in Cichlid Fishes to Illuminate the Course of Evolution"
Clavijo, A.M.; Santander, J.; Conroy, G.; Conroy, D.A. D.A. Conroy <anig@telcl.net.ve> "First report of Vibrio spp. from pond-cultured tilapias in Venezuela."
Coleman, Ronald; Kutty, Vinod Ron Coleman <rcoleman@cichlidresearch.com>; Vinny Kutty <kutty@earthlink.net> "The predator of guppies on Trinidad is the pike cichlid Crenicichla frenata, not C. alta: a caution about working with cichlids."
Garcia, C.L.; Clavijo, A.M.; Conroy, G.; Rolo, M.; Santander, J.; Aponte, F; Conroy, D.A. D.A. Conroy <anig@telcl.net.ve> "Spontaneous mycobacteriosis in Aquarium-held oscars, Astronotus ocellatus, in Venezuela: A case report."
Goodwin, Nick; Balshine, Sigal; Reynolds, John Nick Goodwin <n.goodwin@uea.ac.uk>; Sigal Balshine <sigal@mcmail.cis.mcmaster.ca>; John Reynolds <reynolds@uea.ac.uk> "Using phylogenies to test evolutionary hypotheses about Cichlid fishes."
Harmon, Todd; McCaskie, Lonnie Todd Harmon <TSH7272@aol.com> "Keeping cichlids in a large mixed-species zoological exhibit."
Hofmann, Hans; Fernald, Russ Hofmann <hans@Psych.Stanford.Edu>; Russ Fernald <russ@psych.stanford.edu> "What cichlids tell us about the social regulation of brain and behavior."
Kellogg, Karen; Stauffer, Jay; McKaye, Ken Karen Kellogg <kkellogg@skidmore.edu>; Jay Stauffer <vc5@psu.edu>; Ken McKaye <mckaye@al.umces.edu> "Using cichlids to control parasitic diseases"
Klinger, RuthEllen; Francis-Floyd, Ruth; Blazer, Vicki; Huckins, Casey RuthEllen Klinger <rek@gnv.ifs.ufl.edu>; Ruth Francis-Floyd <rff@gnv.ifas.ufl.edu>; Vicki Blazer <Vicki_Blazer@usgs.gov>; Casey Huckins <cjhuckin@mtu.edu> "Evidence for Nutritional disease in a Lake Victoria cichlid, Haplochromis (Prognathchromis) perrieri: a clinical assessment."
Jackson, Kasi Kasi Jackson <jkjack2@pop.uky.edu> "Coloration in Female Cichlids."
Lippitsch, Elisabeth Elisabeth Lippitsch <elisabeth.lippitsch@kfunigraz.ac.at> "The use of lepidological characters for cichlid phylogeny."
Lobel, Phil Phil Lobel <plobel@mbl.edu> "Acoustic behavior of cichlid fishes."
McKaye, Ken; Stauffer, Jay; Turner, George; Konings, Ad; Sato, Tetsu Ken McKaye <mckaye@al.umces.edu>; Jay Stauffer <vc5@psu.edu>, George Turner <gft@soton.ac.uk>, Ad Konings <info@cichlidpress.com>; Tetsu Sato <tetsu@malawi.net> "Fishes, as well as birds, build bowers."
Murry, Brent; van den Berghe, Eric; McKaye, Ken  Brent Murry <murry@al.umces.edu>; Eric van den Berghe <>; Ken McKaye <mckaye@al.umces.edu> "Brood defense behavior of three sibling species in the Amphilophus citrinellus species complex in Lake Xiloa, Nicaragua."
Oliveira, Rui; Canario, Adelino Rui Oliveira <ruiol@ispa.pt>, Adelino Canario <acanario@ualg.pt> "Hormones and social behavior of cichlid fishes: a case study in Mozambique tilapia."
Seegers, Lothar; Sonnenberg, Rainer; Tichy, Herbert Lothar Seegers <L.Seegers@t-online.de> "The Alcolapia group, a remarkable species flock from lakes Natron, Tanzania and Magadi, Kenya: a further piece of the puzzle of cichlid evolution?"
Snoeks, Jos jsnoeks@africamuseum.be "Cichlid diversity, speciation and systematics: examples from the Great African Lakes."
Stauffer, Jay; McKaye, Ken Jay Stauffer <vc5@psu.edu>, Ken McKaye <mckaye@al.umces.edu> "The naming of cichlids"
Turner, George; Robinson, Rosanna; Ngatunga, Benjamin; Shaw, P; Carvalho, G. George F. Turner <gft@soton.ac.uk>, Rosanna Robinson <rlr@soton.ac.uk>, "Pelagic cichlid fishes of Lake Malawi/Nyasa."
van den Berghe, Eric; McKaye, Ken Eric van den Berghe <tomeric@ibw.ni>; Ken McKaye <mckaye@al.umces.edu> "Reproductive success of maternal and biparental care in a Nicaraguan cichlid fish, Parachromis dovii."
Vivas, Rene; McKaye, Ken Rene Vivas <vivas@al.umces.edu>; Ken McKaye <mckaye@al.umces.edu> "Habitat selection, feeding ecology, and fry survivorship in the Amphilophus citrinellus species complex in Lake Xiloa, Nicaragua."
Winemiller, Kirk Kirk Winemiller <kow1956@VMS2.tamu.edu> "Ecology of peacock cichlids (Cichla spp.) in Venezuela."
Wisenden, Brian Brian Wisenden <wisenden@mhd1.moorhead.msus.edu> Clutch size in cichlids
Zworykin, Dmitry D. Dmitry Zworykin <irene@irene.msk.ru> "Parental brood provisioning of young"


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