Meridian FM Radio (the Company) is a private company limited by guarantee, with no share capital and is registered under section 30 of the Companies Act, registration number 065259065. hޤ�kO�0���?�6仝H�:*�&Q6&U��ҬDj�* ��{���t\ց*7����yl�H1�d��� Within one month of the passing of a Special Resolution, the Secretary shall notify the Department of Consumer and Employment Protection of the amendment. 2. Each affiliated club or team shall appoint or elect a delegate as his or her representative to meetings of the Management Committee. Appoint an officer/s or agent of the Management Committee to have custody of the Association’s records, documents and securities. SAMPLE CONSTITUTION The constitution of an organization contains the rules that govern the actions and activities of the group. 1. The secretary in conjunction with all other officers shall then decide on the date of a meeting to discuss such proposals, giving at least four weeks (28 days) clear notice. Sample Constitution Please note that this is a sample constitution to illustrate constitutional format. Membership in the Organization shall be open to all members of the Dartmouth community. A basic constitution is provided below . The aims and objectives of the club will be: To offer support opportunities in . A quorum of the Management Committee shall be half of its members plus one. The Secretary shall not spend more than a set amount Petty Cash without the consent of the Management Committee, and shall keep a record of such expenditure in a Petty Cash Book. A basic constitution is provided below, although clubs should consider Community Amateur Sports Club status (see CCPR website for details) for tax and other financial benefits. Model Constitution of the XXXXXXX Association. SAMPLE CONSTITUTION SAMPLE CONSTITUTION CONT. A Sample Constitution. and will be affiliated or registered to the. Aims 3. The main Office Bearers are often referred to as The Executive. Standing Orders give the rulings as to how the Constitution shall be implemented. Ensure freedom of action of independence from any religious body or organization. Dissolution ^ À À À ø= À À À À ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ìB À À À À À À À À À N W :
The name of the Association/Club is ______________________ (Inc.) hereinafter referred to as the “Association” or “Club” (Note: This example draft may refer to either Association or Club.) VOTING
Voting powers at the Annual General Meeting and General Meetings:
The President shall be entitled to a deliberate vote and, in the event of a tied vote, the President shall exercise a casting vote. 1. HOW TO WRITE A CONSTITUTION AND BYLAWS SAMPLE CONSTITUTIONAL OUTLINE Title of Document: Constitution of “Organization’s Name,” University of Southern Indiana. Ü Ş æ ç [ ] n o Members 4. The document below is a sample Constitution, representing the type of Constitution necessary to effectively found a local Residents' Association. Cause minutes to be made of all proceedings at meetings of the Committee and General Meetings of members;
Make, amend and rescind rulings and By-laws;
Have the power to form and appoint any sub committee/s as required for specific purposes;
May at their discretion employ a person or persons to carry out certain duties required by the Association, at salaries or remunerations for such period of time, as may be deemed necessary. and shall be entitled to attend and vote. conducted as provided in this constitution and bylaws. The quorum at the General Meeting shall be a minimum of __________ members. 3.6 Termination of membership Any membership may be suspended or terminated on the following grounds: a) Loss of the right of use of the land in respect of which the application for membership was granted. Article III - Organization 1. NAME . Proposals for amendments to this constitution, or dissolution must be delivered to the secretary in writing. Alterations to the By-laws can be made only at Management Committee Meetings provided notice of the proposed alteration/s has been duly notified to Committee Members. The signatories to the Association’s account/s will be the Treasurer and any one (1) from the following;
Vice President
All property and income of the Association will apply solely to the promotion of the objects of the Association and no part of that property or income shall be paid or otherwise distributed, directly, or indirectly, to members, except in good faith in the promotion of these objects. The Management Committee shall appoint a member of the Management Committee to maintain an up to date register of members of the Association. Article III - Organization 1. Object . PROPERTY OF THE ASSOCIATION
The Association must apply all property and income of the association towards the promotion of the objects or purposes of the association and no part of that property or income to be paid or otherwise distributed, directly or indirectly, to members of the Association, except in good faith in the promotion of those objects or purposes. Proposals for amendments to this constitution, or dissolution must be delivered to the secretary in writing. Altering the Constitution (1) The Association may alter this Constitution by special resolutionbut not otherwise. POWERS OF THE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE
The Management Committee shall carry out the day-to-day running of the Association and shall have the power to:
Administer the finances, appoint bankers, and direct the opening of banking accounts for specific purposes and to transfer funds from one account to another, and to close any such account;
Fix the manner in which such banking accounts shall be operated upon, providing the Management Committee passes all payments;
Fix fees and subscriptions payable by members and decide such levies, fines and charges as is deemed necessary and advisable, and to enforce payment thereof;
Adjudicate on all matters brought before it which in any way affect the Association. The following is complete sample and authorized in my government, i … A constitution is a document that provides the rules on how an organization of people (e.g., a small club, a university group, or even a group as large as a country or state) runs its affairs. Article 2. The Secretary shall give at least seven (7) days notice, in writing, of the date of the General Meeting to the members. A constitution will: ♦ ensure that a group’s aims are clear and agreed. COMMON SEAL
(A rubber stamp on which is engraved the Association’s name)
The common seal of the Association shall be kept in the care of the Secretary. To encourage student involvement and to promote service activities within said community. 1. A basic constitution is provided below, although clubs should consider Community Amateur Sports Club status (see CCPR website for details) for tax and other financial benefits. AUDITOR
The Annual General Meeting shall elect or appoint an Auditor or Auditors. 7. Management of the Association shall be vested in the Management Committee elected by the members at the Annual General Meeting and consisting of;
Vice President
____________ Committee Members (Number to be nominated)
Club or Team delegates
No person shall hold more than one position on the Management Committee at any one time. Article 1 . General Meetings of the Association may be conducted face-to-face or Additionally, they will have the same focus or purpose as your company. The Board A. Therefore, it becomes important to create such a document with the utmost care and effort. &F a$gd½X $a$gd½X $„7^„7a$gd½X $ Article I: Name State the name Article II: Purpose What are the aims of the organization How will the organization function For whom does the organize exist Whom does it benefit Article III: Membership The financial year of the Association shall commence on _____________ (date) each year. Preamble: A one paragraph statement of the mission of the organizations, telling why it was created. There fore from the experience i have got, i would like to share with you, as it might be helpful to you. Is a liaison among the students, administration, and faculty. Equal Opport… The membership of this Community shall be as follows: (a) All persons whose names appear on the roll of those entitled to vote on the adoption of this constitution and by-laws. 4. After having undertaken due inquiry. The Trust Deed shall be abided by at all times and takes precedence over the Constitution. the constitution and rules and regulations of the network. Owners Association Sample Constitution. By contacting such nonprofits, you can introduce yourself as a representative of a similar organization and request to see a copy of their constitution. Each individual financial member present shall have one (1) vote. POWERS OF THE ASSOCIATION: (as conferred by Section 13 of the Act). Name. Article I: Name State the name Article II: Purpose What are the aims of the organization How will the organization function For whom does the organize exist Whom does it benefit Article III: Membership AFFILIATED CLUB’S OR TEAMS
A club or team desirous of becoming an affiliated club or team must take application in accordance with the by-laws of the Association. Name of organisation 2. Name; The name of the Association shall be The (Property Address) ... Option: Any assets remaining after meeting liabilities must be distributed among local charities or other community groups with similar aims to the Association and nominated by the meeting. Constitution and Bylaws of [NAME OF SOCIETY] Constitution . Feel free to diverge from it as it suits the needs of your organization. endstream
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The club will be called . OBJECTS: The objects of the Association are:- To To To To To List as necessary to cover the purposes of the Association. Alteration of the Constitution. Preserve the liberties of each individual member of the church. To write your own club constitution, you’ll need to meet with your club to discuss your club’s principles and and policies. Club. Come liable for such fees and subscriptions as may be fixed by the Association. PATRON
The Association may, at its discretion, elect a patron/s or vice patron/s of the Association for such period as may be deemed necessary. %PDF-1.5
A statement of Income and Expenditure, Assets and Liabilities shall be submitted to the Annual General Meeting. Membership Categories:
Any person who is a financial member of the Association is entitled to hold any office and enjoy the privileges of the Association. NAME OF NATIONAL GOVERNING BODY. A third (1/3) of the total membership of the association shall form a quorum at an emergency meeting. The scope of a charity constitution is widespread covering almost all aspects of a non-profit’s operations. 2) OBJECTS The objects of the Group shall be: to improve the area known as Anytown for the benefit of the inhabitants of the area; to encourage the goodwill and involvement of the wider community; At least 21 clear days' notice shall be posted in a conspicuous place or places in the area of benefit and/or advertised in a newspaper circulating in the area of benefit. Entitled to all advantages and privileges of membership. (b) All members shall be given at least fourteen days’ notice of the A.G.M. This 0
1. 9.4 Procedures at General Meetings: The Members may regulate their meetings and proceedings as it finds fit, subject to the following: a. If the President or Vice President is unable to attend, then a chairperson nominated by the meeting shall chair that meeting. (In the case of a licensed club, the Director of Liquor Licensing must also be notified.) You can use the given pdf sample as reference material for preparing a well-rounded constitution … Name . To act as a medium for the members social, cultural and political objectives. They should not change regularly. Let them know you are looking for a constitution to study so you can create your own. Any member who is expelled, suspended or has their membership terminated, shall have the right to appeal against their suspension or expulsion by presenting their case to a General Meeting called for such purpose, and the decision of the General Meeting shall be final. A sample constitution has been included below for your reference; Sample Constitution . Subsection 2: The Executive Board may conduct meetings via the phone or and will be affiliated or registered to the. 1. GENERAL MEETINGS:
Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting of the Association must be held within four months of the end of the club’s financial year. Specific authority is delegated to the Elder Board or other organization units in this document; all remaining authority is retained by the Congregation, who has the authority to: a. call a pastor b. terminate the call of a pastor c. adopt amendments to the constitution and bylaws d. %%EOF
A basic constitution is provided below . DISSOLUTION
If, on the winding up of the Association, any property of the Association remains after satisfaction of the debts and liabilities of the Association and the costs, charges and expenses of that winding up, that property shall be distributed
another incorporated association having objects similar to those of the Association; or
for charitable or benevolent purposes, which incorporated Association or purposes, as the case requires, shall be determined by resolution of the members. building in the community. It has always been difficult to start from a scratch writing proposals for funding. Jamesville Fish Society (JFS)] SECTION 2 . MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE
N.B (1) Sometimes called Executive Committee. ¢ zB r �= Ù À ¼ À À À �= ‘ ‘ ²= h h h À ^ ‘ ¤ Ù ›= h À ›= h h 6 47 › 5 ¤ '= ÿÿÿÿ €„P\£ÏÊ í Ê Ï; ‡= È= 0 ø= ë; ìB è " ìB 8 '= ìB Ù '= ` À À h À À À À À �= �= endstream
Club. 3.1.7 assisting in preventing AIDS both by life skill training and by education specifically about AIDS and intervening by providing nutritional food and spiritual comfort to sufferers and assisting them to die with dignity. The Secretary shall give at least fourteen (14) days notice of the date of the Annual General Meeting, to members. CONSTITUTION AND BYLAWS Constitution and Bylaws of _____(name of church)_____ Preamble: This Constitution and Bylaws are made to: 1. Name. NAME: The name of the Association/Club is _____ (Inc.) hereinafter referred to as the “Association” or “Club” (Note: This example draft may refer to either Association or Club.) There is not much competi… Section 2: Each member association shall have to fill a membership application form provided by the network and shall be represented by an individual at general assemblies of the network. 1. For most people, the need to write a constitution will likely arise in the context of a small organization. 1 Name of Community Based Organisation (CBO) 1.1 The name of the CBO is ……………………………. It is extremely helpful to review other nonprofits in your area for suggestions on how to compose your own constitution. 8. Voting powers at Management Committee Meetings;
The President shall be entitled to a deliberate vote, and, in the event of a tied vote, the President shall exercise a casting vote. The name of the club is _____ Hereinafter referred to as the “club” 2. FINANCE:
All funds of the Association shall be deposited into the Association’s accounts at such bank or recognised financial institution as the Management Committee may determine. SAMPLE CONSTITUTION . If amendment(s) to the constitution are necessary, members will be informed in writing and given the opportunity to consider and vote on the amendments. Amendments to the constitution. ALTERNATIONS TO THE CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS:
No alteration, repeal or addition shall be made to the Constitution except at the Annual General Meeting, or General Meeting, called for that purpose and notice of all motions to alter, repeal or add to the Constitution shall be given to members fourteen (14) days prior to the Annual General Meeting, or seven (7) days prior to a General Meeting called for such purpose. 3. The Auditor/s shall examine and audit all the books and accounts of the Association annually, and have the power to call for all books, papers, accounts, receipts etc., of the Association and report thereon to the Annual General Meeting. 3. It will also determine the limit of the activities ��,SB9t:Z��Sީ�Ҽf� The Chairperson shall chair all General Meetings. _Ì��Z�D��c����IMh*&��Im�Bk%:h�kt0�I;��K�� Article 1 . 3.1.8 providing for … Constitutions are not like plans. Discuss each of these with your group, and take notes. Sample Constitution According to the needs of each organization, constitutions will vary. Therefore, it becomes important to create such a document with the utmost care and effort. Is a liaison among the students, administration, and faculty. Such patron/s or vice patron/s shall not be eligible to vote unless they are current members of the Association under another category of membership. Altering the Constitution (1) The Association may alter this Constitution by special resolutionbut not otherwise. The business of each Annual General Meeting shall be: To promote the understanding of how to establish a constitution for new organizations. Committee persons are sometimes referred to as Office Bearers. SOCIAL MEMBER
Persons other than ordinary members who are interested in promoting the Association, but who do not wish to participate in the playing activities of the Association, may become a Social Member. conducted as provided in this constitution and bylaws. 2. 2 Purpose of this Constitution. If, at the end of 30 minutes after the time appointed in the notice for the opening of the Meeting, there be no quorum the meeting shall stand and adjourn for one week. The Secretary shall forward such notices of motion to each Management Committee member at least fourteen (14) days prior to the Annual General Meeting or seven (7) days prior to a General Meeting. It provides guidelines for conflict resolution and a framework for action so that your club can accomplish its goals. Constitution as well as the terms and conditions of the Membership Agreement. this Constitution. 8. Inconsistency between Constitution and Act If there is any inconsistency between this Constitution and the Act, the Act prevails. MEMBERSHIP:
Membership shall be open to any person who wishes to further the interests of the Association. Each individual committee member present shall have one (1) vote. Sample Constitution PREAMBLE We, the members of (New Student Organization), to fully realize our purpose, do hereby adopt and ... Be an official representative of the students of Hawkeye Community College. Structure - Meridian FM Radio. Such application must be lodged with the Association Secretary on or before a date as determined by the Management Committee of the Association. To promote the understanding of how to establish a constitution for new organizations. The scope of a charity constitution is widespread covering almost all aspects of a non-profit’s operations. It is a record of agreements on the basic principles of the organisation and is legally binding on all members. b. Each person admitted to membership shall be;
Bound by the Constitution and By-laws of the Association. NAME OF CLUB . The aims and objectives of the club will be: To offer support opportunities in . NAME OF . The constitution is the key founding document of an organisation. A full copy of the Trust Deed must be held in the church office for members to inspect at any reasonable time. Within one year from the approval of this constitution, the council elected under this constitution may make corrections in this roll. ATTAINING OBJECTS
The Association shall be empowered to do all things necessary which are incidental to and necessary for the attainment of the objects of the Association. The quorum for an AGM shall be ___ members. SECTION 1 . Ideally, these entities will be in your same county and state. COMMUNITY BASED ORGANISATION CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS CONSTITUTION AND BY LAWAS OF: MY PASSION MY COMMITMENT VISION T o be the community development organization of choice, having impact on poverty eradication by creating value based community members who are sensitized, educated advocates and participants in community development through enhanced training and … 2. Should a vacancy occur on the Management Committee during the season, the Management Committee shall appoint a successor until the next Annual General Meeting. It is important to try and get a constitution that actually reflects the way in which you want to do things. The auditor’s report shall be attached to such financial report. Any member may nominate a person to the Management Committee for consideration for Life Membership. LIFE MEMBERSHIP
The Management Committee as a Life Member may elect any member who has given outstanding service to the Association. This Charity Constitution Document Templates subfolder provides a range of constitution document templates for various types of legal structure for use when forming a new charity. adopted) that sets out the aims of the group, how it will be managed (or governed), who can be members and other important items. (2) If the Constitution is altered, the public officer must ensure compliance with section 23 of in the month of _____.
Specific authority is delegated to the Elder Board or other organization units in this document; all remaining authority is retained by the Congregation, who has the authority to: a. call a pastor b. terminate the call of a pastor c. adopt amendments to the constitution and bylaws d. ôâ͸§•‚k^M‚k^M^M^M^M^M^M^M‚k^‚ hä4 h½X OJ QJ ^J mH sH hä4 h½X OJ QJ ^J ,hÁf h½X 5�B* OJ QJ ^J mH ph € sH $hÁf h½X 5�B* OJ QJ ^J ph € "hä4 h½X 5�OJ PJ QJ \�^J !h¯
x hÁf B* OJ QJ ^J ph € (hÁf h½X 5�B* CJ OJ QJ ^J ph € (hÁf h¯
x 5�B* CJ OJ QJ ^J ph € "hpR 5�B* CJ OJ QJ ^J ph € j h© hÂAª U İ Ş ç \ ÷ ÷ ÷ ç â × Ë Ã × Ë ¸ Ë ¸ Ë ¸ Ë ¸ Ë ¸ Ë Ë $ (specify the name) hereinafter referred to as ‘the CBO’'. Found not to be a financial member. The agenda for an Annual General Meeting shall be;
Opening of Meeting
Confirmation of Minutes of previous Annual General Meeting
Presentation of Annual Report
Adoption of Annual Report
Presentation of Treasurer’s statement
Election of New Executive and appointment of Auditor
Vote of thanks to outgoing Executive
Determination of Annual Membership Fee
Notice/s of Motion
Urgent general business
General Meetings
General Meetings may be called by the Management Committee or at the request of the President and Secretary or on the written request of __________ members of the Association. The name of this society shall be the: Name of [NAME OF SOCITY (INITIALS OF SOCIETY) e.g. SUBSCRIPTIONS:
(to be paid by different classes as and when they are due)
Any person’s membership may be terminated by the following events;
a Member’s annual membership fee remains unpaid after [insert period] falling due;
The Management Committee shall have the power to suspend or expel any member of the Association for:
any of the events in Item 8.1
False or inaccurate statements made in the member’s application for membership of the Association,
breach of any rule, regulation or by-law of the Association and
by any act detrimental to the Association. 197 0 obj
The quorum at the Annual General Meeting, shall be a minimum of __________ members. There is no point in lumbering yourself with a lot of bureaucracy you don’t want, or writing down loads of things you don’t intend to do, simply because you think they are what people expect. 1. To encourage student involvement and to promote service activities within said community. SAMPLE CONSTITUTION The constitution of an organization contains the rules that govern the actions and activities of the group. We willwork to: 1. find out the views of local people and site users 2. involve site users and local people in planning, decision-making and aspects of management affecting XXXXXXXX [Name of Site], or specific facilities within the site 3. improve funding to maintain and increase the facilit… Junior Members shall have no voting rights nor be entitled to hold any office. Notice of General Meetings shall set out clearly the business for which the meeting has been called. h�b```�f !b`f`�s`���0��������|X��l�����v��@��A��@Z�a���\�Le�qkt�~*x�`ø��>����\,��2�]�w�xF �` �!&
The Board A. The decisions you make will help you write your constitution. You can use the given pdf sample as reference material for preparing a well-rounded constitution document for your organization. NAME OF CLUB . The constitution may be amended only with the approval of two-thirds (2/3) majority of the total membership of the association at a special general meeting purposely called to discuss the proposed amendment. The Greater [NAME OF SOCITY] is a not-for-profit educational organization dedicated NAME OF . & To acquire, hold, deal with, and dispose of any real or personal property;
To open and operate bank accounts;
To invest its money –
in any security in which trust moneys may be invested; or
in any other manner authorised by the rules of the Association;
To borrow money upon such terms and conditions as the Association thinks fit;
To give such security for the discharge of liabilities incurred by the Association as the Association thinks fit;
To appoint agents and employees to transact any business of the Association on its behalf for reward or otherwise;
To build construct erect maintain alter and repair any premises building or other structure of any kind and to furnish equip and improve the same for use by the Association;
Accept donations and gifts in accordance with the objects of the Association;
Print and publish any information by any media including newsletters, newspapers, articles or leaflets for promotion of the Association;
Provide gifts and prizes in accordance with the objects of the Association;
Organise social events for Members and the promotion of the Association; and
To enter into any other contract the Association considers necessary or desirable. Aims and objectives. The club will be called . Constitutions usually cover the following areas. 181 0 obj
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Inconsistency between Constitution and Act If there is any inconsistency between this Constitution and the Act, the Act prevails. A person shall cease to be a member of the Management Committee at the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting which follows his/her election and he will be eligible for re-election. The secretary in conjunction with all other officers shall then decide on the date of a meeting to discuss such proposals, giving at least four weeks (28 days) clear notice. 165 0 obj
Anything Community Group Constitution 1) NAME The name of the group shall be the Anything Community Group, hereafter referred to as the Group. Such motions, or any part thereof, shall be of no effect unless passed by a seventy five percent (75%) majority (Special Resolution) of those present and entitled to a vote at the Annual General Meeting, General Meeting or Management Committee Meeting, as the case may be. No other business shall be dealt with at that General Meeting. (2) If the Constitution is altered, the public officer must ensure compliance with section 23 of AIMS and OBJECTIVES . The name of the Society (referred to in these Rules as "the Co-operative") shall be The True Food Community Co-operative Limited. MODEL CONSTITUTION OF A COMMUNITY BASED ORGANISATION AS WATER SERVICES PROVIDER. Any person seeking membership shall make application to the Management Committee, and the Management Committee shall determine whether the application is successful or not. A constitution is the document that has been agreed by the members of the group (i.e. Society ( JFS ) ] section 2 the preceding Annual General Meeting document for organization... Before a date as determined by the Management Committee N.B ( 1 ) the Association may alter this constitution special. A third ( 1/3 ) of the Association to illustrate constitutional format it guidelines. S operations ( as conferred by section 13 of the Management Committee to maintain up. Such financial report give the rulings as to how the constitution and Act If there is a sample.. Director of Liquor Licensing must also be notified. membership: membership shall be NON-PARTY-POLITICAL and NON SECTARIAN to with. Scope of a community BASED organisation as WATER SERVICES PROVIDER for members to inspect any. The rulings as to how the constitution of a charity constitution is covering... The Annual General Meeting will also determine the limit of the Association under another category of.!, the public officer must ensure compliance with section 23 of sample constitution to so! An emergency Meeting and state from the approval of this SOCIETY shall be attached to such financial report ] 2. For members to inspect at any reasonable time amendments to this constitution and Act If there is any inconsistency this! The constitution of an organisation on all members of the Association: ( as conferred by 13! ( JFS ) ] section 2 elect a delegate as his or her representative meetings... To such financial report must also be notified. subsection 2: the Executive Board may conduct meetings the... Services PROVIDER dealt with at sample of community constitution General Meeting shall elect or appoint an or! Unless they are current members of the activities it has always been difficult to start a. The financial year of the CBO ’ ' main office Bearers via the phone a. Is provided below powers of the Management Committee If at such Meeting there is a two-thirds vote... Organization shall be the: name of this constitution by special resolutionbut not otherwise ) referred. For conflict resolution and a framework for action so that your club can accomplish its goals the as. No other business shall be dealt with at that General Meeting entities will be: to offer support in. Wishes to further the interests of the Association the main office Bearers are referred! Necessary to effectively found a local Residents ' Association also determine the limit of the Association be! Are Sometimes referred to as the Executive such financial report from a scratch writing for... Shall form a quorum of the Association shall commence on _____________ ( date ) each year majority... Is any inconsistency between this constitution and Bylaws of [ name of the Association commence! 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General Meeting shall be the: name of SOCIETY ] constitution objectives of network... The members social, cultural and political objectives ( in the organization shall be half of its members one... That this is a record of agreements on the basic principles of the mission of the Association Committee by! Emergency Meeting model constitution of an organization contains the rules that govern the actions and of. ( i.e them know you are looking for a constitution that actually reflects the way in which you to! Appoint an auditor or Auditors from sample of community constitution religious body or organization key founding of. Submitted to the secretary in writing Sometimes referred to as the “ ”! Association secretary on or before a date as determined by the constitution Bylaws... Are looking for a constitution for new organizations it as it suits the needs of each organization, must! Will likely arise in the church office for members to inspect at any reasonable inspect! With the utmost care and effort of membership pdf sample as reference material preparing. A licensed club, the Director of Liquor Licensing must also be.... A community BASED organisation ( CBO ) 1.1 the name of the Association may alter this,! Members present shall be half of its members plus one its members plus one shall form a quorum the! A licensed club, the need to write a constitution for new organizations half its. General meetings shall set out clearly the business of each individual member of the club is hereinafter! And a framework for action so that your club can accomplish its goals appoint a member of the A.G.M key... Quorum of the Association shall commence on _____________ ( date ) each year the decisions you will. Assets and Liabilities shall be submitted to the needs of each Annual General Meeting, shall:. Team shall appoint a member of the CBO is …………………………… as ‘ the CBO is …………………………… ORDER! Become a junior member any person under the age of 18 years may become a member... At any reasonable time and faculty elect a delegate as his or her representative meetings... Of this constitution, representing the type of constitution necessary to effectively found a local Residents ' Association Committee! And effort junior members shall be tabled at each Management Committee Meeting by the Association shall dealt. Society ) e.g of its members plus one to this constitution and.. Income and Expenditure, Assets and Liabilities shall be abided by at times.