When thinking of things to debate about for elementary students, it is best to stick to topics that they experience or can see around them. i think this is expecting too much from high school children. by Muslema Purmul. Explore and engage in riveting religious debate topics, including debates about the role of religion, the existence of God and much more. The debate topics in the list are ideal for higher secondary school kids in the age range of 16 to 17 years who will be soon moving to their adulthood. ppsx Debate of Prophet Muhammad with Polytheists. The … Education is always a disputable topic in universities and colleges. These are topics that academics and scholars struggle to explain, in addition to the lack of consensus on many of these matters. While I agree that children should learn all the topics mentioned, we need to address who among the Islamic school staff is capable of discussing these topics. Several points come to mind after reading this excellent post and the comments which follow it: Debating domestic and foreign policy trains them to think critically, argue fluently and persuasively, etc. Education in Britain should be non religious. Duff/Daff (Source: chandrakantha.com) One of the controversial topics that Muslim scholars have debated throughout Islam’s history is whether music and singing are halal (permissible) or haraam (forbidden). Science topic. New To Islamic Knowledge - Articles on this Topic - top Goodness and Necessity of Islam. Islamic Lecture s, Debates & Interviews Disclaimer: The views expressed in the lectures do not necessarily reflect our views. Animals? It is absolutely critical that these issues be addressed head on, in an atmosphere which is non-judgmental and non-threatening. 1 How Islamic financial instruments can be used in international trade? Thank you for this list; it’s helpful, and unfortunately not brought up nearly enough. Educational Debate Topics for College Students. Do all paths lead to God? There is an eight volume work on female scholars of hadith. Find out more about those wisdoms Shahaadah - … All it takes is a small gift from a reader like you to keep us going, for just $2 / month. they should focus more on secular studies to get into good college and enhance their critical thinking skills. Shameful but true: American, anti-Muslim prejudice and discrimination is widespread. September 22, 2016. While such controversies can evolve into full-scale violence -- consider sectarian violence between Sunni and Shi’a in the Middle-East as an example in modern history -- religion can also provide rich material for intellectual debate. Check out our list of 120 debate topics for middle and high school students. Relevance – Choose debate topics that are currently relevant and have recently received high media coverage. UK DEBATE: Secularism, Liberalism & Atheism vs Islam on 4 topics. 10 Citizenry, Loyalty & Identity: Between faith and nationalism. Providing a comprehensive view of Islam and Muslims to cultivate peace, promote universal values, and dialogue among civilizations since 1995 Any advice would be greatly appreciated. 2 A mechanism for inter-bank transactions for Islamic and conventional banks. ISBN: 0807857718 The autobiography of Malcolm X / with the assistance of Alex Haley ; How the Quran and Hadith were compiled and preserved, 3 Evolution: what are our beliefs regarding the creation of the first man. It contains a lot of brief, yet informative articles about different aspects of Islam. 10 Guidelines for Gender Relations in Islam. Debate Topics ProCon.org has over 90 debate topics complete with pro and con arguments featuring quotes and statistics from experts, historical information, and other pertinent research. I appreciate this effort of making the issues available for teaching contemporary Islam in schools for students who are in a panic state. Masha-ALLAH the topics are very comprehensive. (Qabasat Min al-Tibb An-Nabawi) #DarussalamPublishers #IslamicMedicine #IslamicEBooks #AmazonKindle #KindleStore #BarnesAndNoble, Asthma is chronic disease that is hallmarked by the inflammation of the bronchial or breathing tubes, in the lungs. I hate to disagree, but as someone with extensive experience in curriculum design as well as a mother of 2 high schoolers (a junior and a senior), this article shows a shocking lack of understanding in respect to educational psychology, child development, and general curriculum design. Set it and collect blessings from Allah (swt) for the khayr you're supporting without thinking about it. 79. According to the Psalms, “The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God. When we send our youth into such situations unarmed, uninformed, and/or under-informed, they SUFFER – a LOT! There is benefit in other sports, but these have particular spiritual benefits that we can be assured are prophetic. if they are unprepared to meet the inevitable struggle that awaits them they will indeed be prey and the predator will be able to smell their vulnerability as soon as they walk in the room. How essential is a college education? It is held in extremely high esteem by many Muslim peoples who use it as a cosmetic because of its distinctive properties. Try to avoid topics that are too controversial, at least for debate competitions at school levels. debates on Islam - women slavery child marriage ISIS belief, etc. Alhamdulillah, we're at 875 supporters. Topics need to be chosen keeping in mind the maturity level and understanding that participants are expected to have. Morality in Islam encompasses the concept of righteousness, good character, and the body of moral qualities and virtues prescribed in Islamic religious texts.The principle and fundamental purpose of Islamic morality is love: love for God and love for God's creatures. If you or someone you know is involved in an Islamic school, please read this and pass it on. Can it exist independently, or is religious belief necessary to cultivate it? I know another commenter has mentioned Mantiq/Logic but a science that’s both praised in the ancient and modern worlds is rhetoric and debate. Someone who grows up armed with only the above, yet emotionally vested in non-Muslim cultural norms may not find it worthwhile to sort through the more complex “youth” topics. High school students should not be allowed cell phones in school. (Duration: 56 min) Beware: Bad Trendsetters Nouman Ali Khan A good debate topic does not necessarily need to be a political topic. Belief. The Pharaohs used it for various purposes. Female Lecturers. Sex Slaves. A man reads the Quran inside a mosque during Ramadan in Benghazi July 19, 2013. Adjudicators respond to criticism over debate topics on Islam, Quran. having worked a number of years with troubled youth and being a father of three I can assure you that the muslim youth that are insulated from reality due to over protective parents (this not exclusively an issue with muslim parents) who feel they are preparing children for adulthood are preparing them to venture out into the world (college for instance) ill-equipped and thoroughly enabled setting them up for the harsh reality that their peers are going to challenge them to think and question their belief system. The Internet is a Pandora’s box of information, and misinformation. One more tip on how to choose a debate topic is to frame the topic in a way that students can learn abstract ideas. This very much includes the tackling of the post’s topics… and more. All museums should be free to the public. Only then will we rid ourselves of the secular aspects of nation states and the blind faith we place on this aspect. ... Room for Debate Topics . Apostates' Blog. However, some of them will do even for middle school. These topics will resonate both with the participants of the debate and the listeners. -Logic/Mantiq- the basis for critical thinking, is NOT taught in public schools, or Islamic schools. The Debate Over Music. May Allah help us in realizing these high aspirations! A military offensive on Mosul, the Islamic States's last major stronghold in Iraq, is underway. Concept of God, 2. Four Statements Black American Muslim Converts Make That Undermine Their Financial Security, Dr Shadee Elmasry was born and raised in New Jersey and studied in the Muslim world in Fez, Hadramawt, Cairo, Makka, and Madina. Is Quran The True Word of God?, 5. Christian Muslim Debates Topics: 1. 11 The Deluge of Temptations: the spiritual, psychological, physical, familial, social, and financial side-effects of pornography and drugs. Nowadays, high school students have short attention span and are pretty immature. The concept of “Be and it is.”, 4 Secular ethics: who has the authority to decide what’s right and what’s wrong? 78. If we, as serious and caring Muslim adults, leaders, guides, and educators, truly want to prepare our youth to take pride in an identity which is often misunderstood, and which has been – especially recently – the subject of attack and concentrated misinformation, then we owe it to them to give them the wherewithal to do so. Islamic state - isis. The Prophet sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam has informed us in the hadith of Hudhayfah radiallahu ‘anhu in which he said: “The people used to ask the Messenger of Allah sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam about the good, and I used to ask him about the evil out of fear that it would reach me.” So I asked the Messenger of Allah: “O Messenger of Allah, we were living in ignorance and evil, then Allah brought this good to us. See more ideas about islamic quotes, islam, islam quran. Warmest salams Can religion be boxed into only the home and the masjid. Series of lectures explaining the belief in Allaah Wisdoms of Man's Existence on Earth. Reader comments are … 28 min read . This category is intended for articles dedicated to documenting actual controversies, only. How do I interact with my gay colleague? Please visit the ProCon.org homepage for a complete list. JazakumAllahu khair for raising these important issues to be discussed in Islamic schools. Podcast: How NOT to Talk to New Muslims | Shaykh Abdullah Oduro, Scholars, Speakers And the Culture of “Edu-Tainment” Part 2, Podcast: Hijabi Girls in a Barbie World: The Halima Aden Edition, Podcast: Prayer is a Work in Progress | Shaykh Abdullah Ayaaz Mullanee, Undisputed And Undefeated: 13 Ways Khabib Nurmagomedov Inspired Us To Win With Faith, Podcast: Sex, Marriage, and Mutual Obligations in Islam | Ustadh Mukhtar Ba, Disability & Social Justice: In Conversation With Sa’diyya Nesar And Zeba Khan, Podcast: David’s Dollar | Tariq Touré and Khaled Nurhssien, Addressing Common Questions About The COVID-19 Vaccine | Dr Farhan Abdul Azeez, 6 Phone Hacks to Stop Muslim Pro from Selling You Out to the Military, Day of the Dogs, Part 10: The Girl With the Golden Gun, Day of the Dogs, Part 9: All We Have To Do, Open Letter To The UN Secretary-General On The Coercive Transfer of Rohingya to Bhasan Char Island, Beyond 2020: Grounding Our Politics in Community, Why Boycotting France is the Wrong Response. But there are important factors to consider, as personal opinions can quickly become personal attacks. Modified 15 Oct 2019, 10:49 am. 2.5 Debate Topics For High School. As I mentioned in an earlier post on the singer and songwriter Maher Zain, Muslims vary in their opinions on music. Under the category of world religion, the teaching courses cover a range of topics including the traditional aspects and forms of religion found globally including the mainstream practicing religions such as Buddhism or Catholicism, fastest growing religion like Islam and belief systems such as the traditions of the Samurai tribe. Before these matters can be taught to adolescent Muslim youth, both rich content needs to be available for educators and a pedagogy for how to teach these issues. Especially as seniors on the cusp of entering the “real world”, they should be DOING not philosophizing. High school debate topics are less profound than what you get in college and graduation. A high school junior in an Islamic school should be able to give a talk on the sources and methodology of Islamic legislation as well as the fundamental differences between the madhhabs. 1. We need to be the subjects of history not the objects. These days, Islam is no stranger to controversy. Panel discussion from Thursday, January 25 featuring Imam Omar Suleiman, Rabbi David Stern, and Saint Michael Rector Chris Girata. Other topics discussed: good and bad leadership, seeking leadership, fear and humility before Allah, demonstrating gratitude, and praying correctly with calmness. General Debate Topics Should we ban homework: does homework promote learning? Of the 14 points mentioned in the article, only a few address the social issues that are inevitably faced by college students. However along with them please provide the resources also. So let's not have a debate about Islam and whether or not Islam is a religion of peace without talking about the facts to do with Islam. Mostly, students base their discussions on the problems that worry about the entire society. 14 Spirituality – students must learn to detect the signs of a dimming faith and spiritual atrophy, as well as know the simple methods of haunting and reversing the downward spiral. ISLAM & NONMUSLIMS. Islamic high schools throughout the country have generally been absent from the state and national debate tournaments. They say that education is wasted on the young. Islam is the second largest religion in the world after Christianity, with about 1.8 billion Muslims worldwide. Black Muslim religion in the Nation of Islam, 1960-1975 / Edward E. Curtis IV. ISLAM & WOMEN. So will there be any evil after this good?” He replied: “Yes.” I then asked: “Will there be any good after this evil?” He replied: “Yes, but it will be tainted.” So I asked: “What will be its taint?” He replied: “A people who guide others to other than my way, you will approve of some of their actions and disapprove of others.” I further enquired: “Then is there any evil after this good?” He said: “Yes! They also made a perfume with its flowers. Callers at the gates of Hell – whoever responds to their call, they will be thrown into the fire.” I then said: “O Messenger of Allah! 00:32:33. Or is one of them true? As the literal word of God, the Qur’an makes known the will of God, to which humans must surrender (lending the name Islam, meaning ‘surrender’). Is Muhammad True Prophet of God?, 3. Topics should be relevant, meaningful, and actionable from a student’s perspective. Based upon the work of Sh.. Ibn Baaz rahimahullaah How to Understand Islam Series. Many political leaders in the world have publically spoken about their faith. ", followed by 156 people on Pinterest. 3 min read. Islam is among the youngest of the world's major religions, belonging to the family of monotheistic faiths that also includes Judaism and Christianity. Also, it features Live Help through chat. Uzma Jung, I would appreciate if a lesson about “Sticking to the Jama’ah” would be added. All people should be vegetarians. Should world leaders mix … Help us get to 1000 supporters before 2020 ends. 4 Tawarruq as a tool of inter-bank borrowing. What I find amusing is how far you have strayed from the topic we are debating, that is, the question of Islam"s morality and not the Science of the Qu"ran or its infallibility. 9 Marriage: the right ways and the wrong ways of going about it. This way often leads to all kinds of deviations and extremism. In this episode, we look at the experiences of Muslim women in Turkey, where the traditional headscarf has become a symbol of the country's struggle between the forces of secularism and religion. Awareness of the need to understand Islaam Who Deserves to be Worshipped Alone. There were many more rulers and queens among and influential contributors in other fields. Youshaa Patel Assistant Professor of Religious Studies Lafayette College. -I agree with the above comment of Islamic History, Ottoman/ Moghul Empires. Thank you again. Although we focus a lot on the youth, part of the problem is that children are growing up only knowing Islam as a list of requirements, words recited in Arabic, and a list of prohibitions. The rest – philosophical. Islamic schooling is truly effective if it’s seniors graduate armed with deep and nuanced understandings of the challenges to come. July 27, 2016. This part presents Prophet's debate with the Jews in Medina. : This category is intended for articles dedicated to documenting actual controversies, only.It is not for inclusion of articles that concern topics that have somehow "been described as controversial" by some sources or other. Is Jesus God or Prophet of God?, 4. These are topics that academics and scholars struggle to explain, in addition to the lack of consensus on many of these matters. It is not for inclusion of articles that concern topics that have somehow "been described as controversial" by some sources or other. Debates between Christians and Muslims have a long tradition. There is a very good book to help with Urdu debates which is called “Mazameen” which means essays, I guess. Unfortunately it is happening alter, i.e. The ability to run an effective debate is the top characteristic of a good specialist. When you want to choose a debate topic that remains both interesting and well-timed, you must check a bunch of various debate topics. We have now launched the new website IslamicPosters & Xploreislam.com, which are aimed at promoting Islam and what it really stands for - PEACE and UNITY, There is modern evidence to show that squash is beneficial in protecting against cancer. College is not only a time to continue academic studies to earn a degree in a subject that will hopefully translate into paycheck, college is a time when the student is trying out being an adult and socializing with their peers. More importantly, caliber muslim intellectual borad dealing worldwide islamic issues should be set up to tackle the burning problems in muslim world. January 22, 2016. Teachers have them for 180 days a year. You are here: Home » Important Topics in Islam Friday, 18 Dec 2020 Important Topics in Islam. Christian part: Dr. Anis Shorrosh and Dr. Geason Archer ( TRUTHWAY TV ) http://www.truthway.tv It’s of critical importance that Muslims know at what point in history they stand, so that they may learn what it is they must do, bi’dnillah. Debates are about a match of wit rather than depth. In this section, we present several lectures /debates about Islam by knowledgeable speakers and scholars. We need to be a creative minority. Could you recommend any books, online lectures, websites; which provide authentic knowledge on the topics you have listed. Will losing the city hurt the militants? Are Zoos Beneficial to Animals in Any Way? How to balance our deen and it’s world-wide Ummah and our citizenry in a non-Muslim majority country, particularly one at war with Muslim countries. Because of the passion it inspires, religion is a topic that seems inherently given to controversy. notable questions for muslims . All students should be required to learn a foreign language in middle school. Backwardness of muslims is the cost of lack in group efforts. DEBATING ISLAM. Nuclear power is not at all helpful to the world. An interesting debate topics for kids, this theme would … Support Us. Alhamdulillah it was a very successful debate with a good turnout and engaged audience of… Describe them to us.” He said: “They will be from our people and speak our language.” I asked: “So what do you order me to do if that reaches me?” He said: “Stick to the Jama’ah (the united body) of the Muslims and their Imam (ruler).” I further asked: “What if they have neither Jama’ah or an Imam?” He said: “Then keep away from all those sects, even if you have to bite upon the roots of a tree, until death reaches you whilst you are in that state.” Related by al-Bukhari (no.7084) and Muslim (no.1847). For, never would your Lord destroy a community…“وَمَا كَانَ رَبُّكَ لِيُهْلِكَ الْقُرَى بِظُلْمٍ وَأَهْلُهَا مُصْلِحُونَ” “For, never would your Lord destroy a community for one single wrong [deed or... Henna has been known since ancient times. It is NOT serving our Muslim youth, our Muslim Ummah, or even the future of Islam in the United States, to ignore these thorny issues. And we muslims have ideas but these ideas grow and exhibit without utilisation. And covering these topics from a young age might exactly be the solution to the problem you are stating. Published 15 Oct 2019, 10:46 am. You have no idea the capabilities and intellect of high school students when they actually put effort into it. Opposing viewpoints – There must be opposing arguments within the group or that can be addressed in an essay. by Shazia Ahmad. From its beginnings in what is now Saudi Arabia over 1,400 years ago, it has grown and spread to include almost a billion adherents, living in virtually every corner of the world. My debate yesterday on Islam vs Atheism, debated four topics of Women's Rights & Leadership, Gay Marriage, Animal Rights and Ritual Slaughter (Halal/Kosher) and whether children from religious families should be 'forced' to attend religious assemblies in UK Faith Schools. If we multiply this by four years of high school, that’s nearly 275 hours of tuition. Here’s the list (in no particular order). Spread the loveAre you looking for debate topics for your middle and high school students? What is usul al-fiqh? Unity is what ummah atfirst place represents for. In the following selection, you can find some good debate topics for high school. 12 Philosophy: the “Problem of Evil,” “Can God create a rock He can’t lift?” And other failed coups. 4. By 7th grade, students should have completed Shamail, seerah, aqidah, and fiqh —basically the fundamentals of the religion. Marriage related issues in the Muslim Student Associations. New articles are added every week. Bottom line: If they are not getting their answers from knowledgeable, conscientious, understanding adults, they most certainly WILL ask others! Posted on May 9, 2012 by Reem. Most Interesting Debate on the Topic Of "Is Jesus God?" The following topics will give you an idea of how to come up with interesting debate topics for your debate. 3. — Reuters pic. If they have a deen or Islamic Studies class twice a week, that is 72 periods a year. 13 Liberal Reform in Islam: Is the Sunnah a source of legislation? The point I want to make is Islam is a religion, when you take the scripture, that can be employed to wage war, and Islam as a civilization has known periods of peace, but you cannot -- if you pay attention to that history, pay attention to the evidence -- continue to say that Islam is a religion of peace. Please feel free to add to it in the comment section: 1 Myth or truth: The historicity of the sources. –VERY important: the study and PRACTICE of Islamic Arts, the indifference to beauty is indifference to Allah, as one Islamic Arts professor put it very eloquently in his article, The Silent Theology of Islamic Arts. Your email address will not be published. With some topics the area to cover can be too wide making it an unsuitable topic for a debate with time restrictions. A high school senior in a Muslim school should be able to write an essay on these topics with their eyes blindfolded. Research Topics in Islamic Banking and Finance. The week ’ s Department of religion, the topics you may want to use for your suggestions which found. Sources or other this part presents Prophet 's debate with time restrictions muslim borad! Level and understanding that participants are expected to have our own agenda Shahaadah - … good topics! 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